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    Meet Your Future Self Meditation


    Grounded in neuroscience, quantum physics and ancient wisdom traditions - this meditation's designed to shift your state of consciousness so you can meet and communicate with your future self.

    People report great clarity from this practice, becoming deeply aware of what's most important, what to focus on and what to let go of.

    This journey dials into areas such as relationships, career and self-esteem. You'll see the unbelievable possibilities of who you can become.

    With continued practice, you'll begin to rewire neural pathways and subconscious beliefs, build better habits and unleash your gifts. Experience how the power of meditation can guide you into a beautiful new future.


    Go Deeper In Your Practice


    Explore meditation techniques that will shift your life + learn presence, confidence and the skills to share these practices with others in our upcoming Meditation Teacher Training happening in Bali.